Summary [Click here]
Editorial – Social responsibility and management control of public organisations [Click here]Angèle RENAUD, Marc BOLLECKERGestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 3, 2020/3, pp. 6-9.
Is the border infrastructure a catalyst for implementation of a sustainable development management system within local authorities ?
the example of the community of townships of the Crêtes Pré-Ardennaises [Click here]Laurent MODOLO, Jean-Luc PETITJEAN, Thierry CÔMEGestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 3, 2020/3, pp. 11-46.
The evolution of management control in the public water supply sector in the post-Soviet context. A stakeholders’ approach [Click here]Irina PALADI, Pierre FENIESGestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 3, 2020/3, pp. 47-71.
Proximities, a framework for analyzing the control environment at the University [Click here]Cyril VERDIER, Laurent MERIADE, Damien TALBOTGestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 3, 2020/3, pp. 73-95.
Performance metrics use by principals: between instrumentalization and instrumentation [Click here]Larbi HASROURIGestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 3, 2020/3, pp. 97-117.
Credits [Clic there]Gestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 3, 2020/3