Editorial: Managing the image of territories with territorial marketing: the emergence of a French-speaking place branding? [Click here]
Charles-Edouard HOULLIER-GUIBERTGestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, September-October 2017, p. 6-7.
Place marketing devices as a vector of participation: an Arnsteinian approach to a territory brand [Click here]Cédrine ZUMBO-LEBRUMENTGestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, September-October 2017, p. 9-24.
Rural actors in shaping the image of their territory [Click here]
Jérémie BRUNGestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, September-October 2017, p. 25-39.
Towards an analysis of place branding in territorial transformation. [Click here]Camille CHAMARD, Lee SCHLENKERGestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, September-October 2017, p. 41-57.
Are place brands a differentiating factor in attractiveness? An empirical analysis of business decision-makers [Click here]Renaud VUIGNIERGestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, September-October 2017, p. 59-75.
Book review (in french): Le marketing territorial: comment développer l’attractivité et l’hospitalité des territoires? [Click here]Corinne ROCHETTE
Gestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, Septembre-Octobre 2017, p. 77-80.
Gestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, September-October 2017