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VOL.12, Issue 2, 2024

VOL.12, Issue 2, 2024

Summary [Click there] Gestion et Management Public vol.12, issue 2, 2024/2. Editorial: Emerging transformations in the management of higher education [Click there]. Gilles ROUET Gestion et Management Public, vol.12, issue 2, 2024/2, pp. 6-9. The mission of Continuing...

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VOL.12, Issue 1, 2024

VOL.12, Issue 1, 2024

Summary [Click there] Gestion et Management Public vol.12, issue 1, 2024/1. Editorial: Public management and the potential for adapting to health, environmental and psychosocial challenges [Click there]. Annie BARTOLI Gestion et Management Public, vol.12, issue 1,...

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VOL.11, Issue 4, 2023

VOL.11, Issue 4, 2023

Summary [Click there] Gestion et Management Public vol.11, issue 4, 2023/4. Digital transformation of territories: challenges, barriers and drivers  [Click there]. Simon PORCHER Gestion et Management Public, vol.11, issue 4, 2023/4, pp. 6-8. The public policies of...

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VOL.11, Issue 3, 2023

VOL.11, Issue 3, 2023

Summary [Click there] Gestion et Management Public vol.11, issue 3, 2023/3. Editorial: Public action and societal issues [Click there] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TREBUCQGestion et Management Public, vol.11,  issue 3, 2023/3, pp. 6-8. Circular economy and household waste...

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VOL.11, Issue 2, 2023

VOL.11, Issue 2, 2023

Summary [Click there] Gestion et Management Public vol.11, issue 2, 2023/2. Editorial: Public system actors’ games and interactions [Click there] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TREBUCQGestion et Management Public, vol.11,  issue 2, 2023/2, pp. 6-8. Every medal has its flip...

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VOL.11, Issue 1, 2023

VOL.11, Issue 1, 2023

Summary [Click there] Gestion et Management Public vol.11, issue 1, 2023/1. Editorial: Tensions and diversity in the logics of the public sphere [Click there] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TREBUCQGestion et Management Public, vol.11,  issue 1, 2023/1, pp. 6-8. Is the...

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VOL.10, Issue 4, 2022

VOL.10, Issue 4, 2022

Summary [Click there] Gestion et Management Public vol.10, issue 4, 2022/4. Editorial: Public services and their growing focus on stakeholder management [Click there] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TREBUCQGestion et Management Public, vol.10,  issue 4, 2022/4, pp. 6-8....

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VOL.10, Issue 3, 2022

VOL.10, Issue 3, 2022

Summary [Clic there​] Gestion et Management Public Vol.10, Issue 3, 2022/3. Editorial: Evaluation: The cornerstone of public learning organisations [Clic there] Corinne ROCHETTEGestion et Management Public, Vol.10, Issue 3, 2022/3, pp. 6-9. Integrating the stakes of a...

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VOL.10, Issue 2, 2022

VOL.10, Issue 2, 2022

Summary [Clic there] Gestion et Management Public Vol.10, Issue 2, 2022/2. Editorial: Emergence of new forms of public sector action [Clic there] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TRÉBUCQGestion et Management Public, Vol.10, Issue 2, 2022/2, pp. 6-8. Digitalization, an...

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VOL.10, Issue 1, 2022

VOL.10, Issue 1, 2022

Sommaire [Clic here] Gestion et Management Public vol.10, Issue 1, 2022/1. Editorial: Challenges of organisational and strategic transformations. Examples of universities and hospitals [Clic here] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TRÉBUCQGestion et Management Public, vol.10,...

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VOL.9, Issue 4, 2021

VOL.9, Issue 4, 2021

Summary [Clic here] Gestion et Management Public, Vol.9, Issue 4, 2021/4. Public management put to the test of the Covid-19 pandemic: a crisis revealing the variable adaptability of public administrations and their users [Clic here] Stéphane TRÉBUCQGestion et...

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VOL.9, Issue 3, 2021

VOL.9, Issue 3, 2021

Summary [Clic here] Gestion et Management Public, Vol.9, Issue 3, 2021/3. Editorial: Managing paradoxes and complexity in public sector systems [Clic here] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TRÉBUCQGestion et Management Public, Vol.9, Issue 3, 2021/3, pp. 6-8. Integrating...

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VOL.9, Issue 2, 2021

VOL.9, Issue 2, 2021

Summary [Click here] Editorial - Territory between local dynamics, organisational processes and players’ thinking  [Click here] Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TREBUCQ Gestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 2, 2021/2, pp. 6-8. Strategic management as a key to reading...

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VOL.9, issue 1, 2021

VOL.9, issue 1, 2021

Summary [Click here] Editorial - Healthcare facilities and local authorities in search of new management and control methods  [Click here] Stéphane TREBUCQ, Annie BARTOLI Gestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 1, 2021/1, pp. 6-8. Work and hardship in nursing...

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VOL.8, issue 4, 2020

VOL.8, issue 4, 2020

Summary [Click here] Editorial - Public management facing the challenges of territorial attractiveness and institutional legitimacy  [Click here] Stéphane TREBUCQ, Annie BARTOLI Gestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 4, 2020/4, pp. 6-8. Territory as support for...

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VOL.8, issue 3, 2020

VOL.8, issue 3, 2020

Summary [Click here] Editorial - Social responsibility and management control of public organisations  [Click here] Angèle RENAUD, Marc BOLLECKER Gestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 3, 2020/3, pp. 6-9. Is the border infrastructure a catalyst for...

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VOL.8, issue 2, 2020

VOL.8, issue 2, 2020

Summary [Click here] Editorial - 1990-2020: 30 years of doctoral research in Public Management, recognition and legitimation of a disiciplinary field  [Click here] Jérôme DUPUIS Gestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 2, 2020/2, pp. 6-19. The management of...

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VOL.8, issue 1, 2020

VOL.8, issue 1, 2020

Summary [Click here] Editorial - Collaborative public management  [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane TREBUCQ Gestion & Management Public, vol.8, issue 1, 2020/1, pp.6-8. Organizing collaborative management between public actors and civil actors: The...

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VOL.7, issue 4, 2019

VOL.7, issue 4, 2019

Summary [Click here] Editorial - The question of boundaries: a major issue for public managers and public management  [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane TREBUCQ Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 4, June-July 2019, p.6-10. The new challenges of...

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VOL.7, issue 3, 2019

VOL.7, issue 3, 2019

Summary [Click here] Editorial:  [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane Trébucq Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, Issue 3, March-April 2019, p.6-12. The State and its employees: the issue of legal status in political debates during the Third Republic...

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VOL.7, issue 2, 2018-2019

VOL.7, issue 2, 2018-2019

Summary [Click here] Editorial: The analysis of the strategy of higher education institutions: a question of ends and means   [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane TREBUCQ Gestion & Management Public, vol.7,  issue 2, December 2018-January 2019, p.6-11. The...

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VOL.7, issue 1, 2018

VOL.7, issue 1, 2018

Summary [Click here] Editorial: public management in search of trust, balance and performance [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane TREBUCQ Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 1, September-October 2018, p.6-8. Sources of work-family life conflict and...

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VOL.6, issue 4, 2018

VOL.6, issue 4, 2018

Editorial: Innovation in the public sector [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 4, june-july 2018, p. 6-8. Organizational value creation and information technologies in hospitals: the case of electronic patient records...

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VOL.6, issue 3, 2018

VOL.6, issue 3, 2018

Editorial: Research on public management requiring a new theoretical framework   [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 3, march-april 2018, p.6-13. Exploration of the antécédents of the collective mobilization of human...

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VOL.6, issue 2, 2017-18

VOL.6, issue 2, 2017-18

Editorial. Public management: A science free from the principles of private management? [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 2, December 2017-January 2018, p. 6-8. Public employees in hybrid organizational context : What...

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VOL.6, issue 1, 2017

VOL.6, issue 1, 2017

Editorial: Managing the image of territories with territorial marketing: the emergence of a French-speaking place branding? [Click here] Charles-Edouard HOULLIER-GUIBERT Gestion & Management Public, vol.6, issue 1, September-October 2017, p. 6-7. Place marketing...

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VOL.5, issue 4, 2017

VOL.5, issue 4, 2017

Summary [Click here] Editorial: Public management for local government and non governmental organizations face to new challenges [Click here] Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.5, issue 4, 2017, p. 6-7. Looking for savings in local goverments:...

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VOL.5, issue 3, 2017

VOL.5, issue 3, 2017

Editorial: Territory, public management and territorial monitoring  [Clic there] Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.5, issue 3, 2017, p. 1-4. Understanding the institutional innovation process through ANT highlighted by the proximities of...

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VOL.5, issue 2, 2016-17

VOL.5, issue 2, 2016-17

Editorial: Democracy, participation, public governance: what ways? [Clic there] Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.5, Issue 2, 2016, p. 1-3. Consensus building through participatory decision-making. Expériences and lessons from Korea [Clic...

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VOL.5, issue 1, 2016

VOL.5, issue 1, 2016

Editorial: NPM spirit and public organization management [Clic there] Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.5, issue 1, 2016, p. 1-5.   Job characteristics, public service motivation, and work performance in Korea [Clic there] Sangmook KIM Gestion...

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VOL.4, issue 4, 2016 (in French)

VOL.4, issue 4, 2016 (in French)

Editorial: Politique publique et management public, de nouvelles frontières?   [Cliquez ici] Céline DESMARAIS, David GIAUQUE Gestion & Management Public, vol.4, n°4, Juin-Juillet 2016, p.1-8.  Une managérialisation du discours du politique: l’exemple de travaux...

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VOL.4, issue 3, 2016 (in French)

VOL.4, issue 3, 2016 (in French)

Editorial:Finances publiques et territoire [Cliquez ici] Marc LEROY Gestion & Management Public, vol.4, n°3, Mars-Avril 2016, p.1-4. Les enjeux de la territorialité fiscale [cliquez ici] Marc LEROY Gestion & Management Public, vol.4, n°3, Mars-Avril 2016,...

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VOL.4, issue 1, 2015 (in French)

VOL.4, issue 1, 2015 (in French)

Editorial: L’outil de gestion au service du NPM [cliquez ici] Pierre-Charles PUPION, Yves CHAPPOZ Gestion & Management Public, vol.4, n°1, Septembre-octobre 2015, p.1-3.  Une approche de la gouvernance et de la régulation territoriales et interterritoriales des...

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VOL.3, issue 4, 2015 (in French)

VOL.3, issue 4, 2015 (in French)

Editorial: Vers un management des établissements éducatifs [cliquez ici] Pierre-Charles PUPION, Yves CHAPPOZ Gestion & Management Public, vol.3, n°4, juin-juillet 2015, p.1-3. Accès régulé à l’université et implication et motivation des étudiants: l’exemple du...

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VOL.3, issue 3, 2015 (in French)

VOL.3, issue 3, 2015 (in French)

Editorial: Gestion du capital humain et management public [cliquez ici] Stéphane TREBUCQ Gestion & Management Public, vol.3, n°3, mars-avril 2015, p.1-3.  La construction d’un baromètre pour mesurer la « performance RH » en milieu public: une application dans le...

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VOL.3, issue 2, 2014-15 (in French)

VOL.3, issue 2, 2014-15 (in French)

Editorial: Perspectives de recherche en management public international [cliquez ici] Eric MILLIOT Gestion & Management Public, vol.3, n°2, déc. 2014-janv. 2015, p.1-6.  Le management public entre « tensions de gouvernance publique » et obligation de résultats »:...

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VOL.3, issue 1, 2014 (in French)

VOL.3, issue 1, 2014 (in French)

Editorial [cliquez ici] Yves CHAPPOZ & Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.3, n°1, sept.-octobre 2014, p.1-2. Conflits de rôle et engagement volontaire: le cas des sapeurs pompiers [cliquez ici] Martine ROQUES & Jean-Michel PASSERAULT...

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VOL.2, issue 4, 2014 (in French)

VOL.2, issue 4, 2014 (in French)

Editorial: la nouvelle gestion des organisations de santé [cliquez ici] Yves CHAPPOZ & Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.2, n°4, juin-juillet 2014, p.1-3.  L’évolution de la représentation qu’ont les gestionnaires de santé de leur travail:...

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VOL.2, issue 3, 2014 (in French)

VOL.2, issue 3, 2014 (in French)

Editorial: Une finance propre aux organisations publiques? [cliquez ici] Yves CHAPPOZ & Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.2, n°3, mars-avril 2014, p.1-3.    Comment les administrateurs conçoivent-ils le rôle du Conseil d’Administration au...

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VOL.2, issue 2, 2013-14 (in French)

VOL.2, issue 2, 2013-14 (in French)

Editorial: Une nouvelle gouvernance et de nouvelles politiques [cliquez ici] Yves CHAPPOZ & Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.2, n°2, décembre 2013-janvier 2014, p.1-4.   Quelle contribution du management au développement de la dynamique...

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VOL.2, issue 1, 2013 (in French)

VOL.2, issue 1, 2013 (in French)

Editorial: la gouvernance des universités [cliquez ici] Thierry COME Gestion & Management Public, vol.2, n°1, septembre-octobre 2013, p.1-5.   La GPEEC dans les universités françaises: quels enjeux pour les valeurs publiques? [cliquez ici]   Franck BRILLET &...

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VOL.1, issue 4, 2013 (in French)

VOL.1, issue 4, 2013 (in French)

Editorial: valeurs de service public et performance [cliquez ici]   Yves CHAPPOZ & Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, vol.1, n°4, juin-juillet 2013, p.2-3.    Le ressenti des enseignants-chercheurs: un conflit de valeurs [cliquez ici] ...

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VOL.1, issue 3, 2013 (in French)

VOL.1, issue 3, 2013 (in French)

Editorial: la quête de la performance [cliquez ici] Yves CHAPPOZ & Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, n°3,mars-avril 2013, p.1-2.   La réflexivité des acteurs face à la complexité des organisations publiques: un levier interactif de...

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VOL.1, issue 2, 2012-13 (in French)

VOL.1, issue 2, 2012-13 (in French)

Editorial: le New Public Management [cliquez ici]  Yves CHAPPOZ, Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, n°2, novembre-décembre 2012, p.1-3.    Un précurseur du New Public Management: Henri Fayol (1841-1925) [cliquez ici] Laurence MORGANA Gestion...

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VOL.1, issue 1, 2012 (in French)

VOL.1, issue 1, 2012 (in French)

Editorial: stratégie et gouvernance [cliquez ici] Yves CHAPPOZ, Pierre-Charles PUPION Gestion & Management Public, n°1, septembre-octobre, 2012, p.1-3.   L’approche ressources et compétences comme clé de lecture du processus d’élaboration d’une ressource...

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