Summary [Click here]
Editorial – Territory between local dynamics, organisational processes and players’ thinking [Click here]Annie BARTOLI, Stéphane TREBUCQGestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 2, 2021/2, pp. 6-8.
Strategic management as a key to reading the development of territorial projects [Click here]Benoît RÉGENT, Véronique Favre-BRONTÉ, Marie DA FONSECAGestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 2, 2021/2, pp. 9-29.
Territorial imagination: a latent ephemeral concept [Click here]Jean-Paul SELOUDRE, Laurent SEMPÉGestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 2, 2021/2, pp. 31-56.
Characterization of managerial innovations in local authorities [Click here]Philippe COHARD, Isabelle BORIES-AZEAUGestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 2, 2021/2, pp. 57-77.
The influence of perceived organizational support and organizational commitment on absenteeism in the local public sector [Click here]Fatéma SAFY-GODINEAU, Amar FALL, David CARASSUSGestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 2, 2021/2, pp. 79-97.
Credits [Click here]Gestion & Management Public, vol.9, issue 2, 2021/2