The governance of the journal “Gestion et Management Public” (GMP) is organized around three bodies:
- The Editorial and Orientation Committee
- The Scientific Advisory Board
- The assembly of reviewers
The Editorial and Orientation Committee
It is composed of following members:
- The editors in chief
- Three to five associate editors
- The publication director
- Qualified experts, appointed for a 5 year-term, renewable once: Three to five professors or Senior associate professors selected by a committee made up of the Executive and Academic Presidents of AIRMAP and the Editor-in-Chief of GMP.
The academic and the executive president of AIRMAP and the executive manager of the journal GMP are permanent guests at the Editorial and Orientation Committee.
It may include guest editors and any other participant depending on the editorial projects.
It ensures a balance between men and women in its composition, as well as the diversity of the institutions to which it belongs and its openness to the international scene.
The Scientific Advisory Board
It is composed of professors and lecturers belonging to the French and international public management scientific community.
It associates :
- A representative of the various public management research centers and/or higher education institutions
- Professors and researchers belonging to the international scientific community of public management
- Members of the editorial and steering committee
- Former editors-in-chief
- Members of the AIRMAP Board of Directors who wish to do so
- Partners of the journal may be invited to participate in the scientific committee.
The assembly of reviewers
The members are designated by the Editor-in-Chief.
The assembly is made up of all the reviewers who have been solicited and who have performed blind reviews for draft articles submitted to the GMP journal. The assembly is updated every 3 years.
Procedures for appointing Editor-in Chief and Associate Editors
Following a call for candidates, the Editor-in-Chief is selected by a selection committee whose composition is shown below. The procedure is the same for associate editors. Their appointment is subject to approval by the AIRMAP Board of Directors, for a three-year term, renewable once. The position of Editor-in-Chief may only be held by a current university Professor for a three-year term, renewable once. Associate Editors may only be current university Professors or Senior Associate Professors for a three-year term, renewable once. To ensure academic plurality, only two members of the team of Associate Editors, Editor-in-Chief and Publication Director may belong to the same laboratory or university. The Editor-in-Chief cannot belong to the same university or laboratory as the Publication Director. A call for candidates is sent out three months before the selection committee meeting.
Constitution of a selection committee:
- For the selection of a Editor-in-Chief, the selection committee is composed of the Academic and Executive President of AIRMAP, the Executive Director of AIRMAP, the current Editor-in-Chief (unless he or she is a candidate himself or herself) and the former Editors-in-Chief. Selection committee members must be qualified to supervise research.
- For the selection of Associate Editors, the selection committee is composed of the Academic and Executive President of AIRMAP, the Executive Director of AIRMAP, the current Editor-in-Chief and the qualified experts of the Editorial and orientation committee (unless if one of this expert is a candidate himself or herself). Selection committee members must be qualified to supervise research.
– Recruitment of the Editor-in-Chief depends on the expiry of the term of office at the end of 2026.
– Recruitment of associate editors depends on the expiry of their terms of office at the end of 2026.
Appointment of the Director of Publication
This position is held by right by the Academic President of AIRMAP. He/she is the liaison between the journal and the association. He/she co-presides with the co-editors in chief the scientific council which they meet at least once a year.
Relations of the journal with the AIRMAP Board and Bureau
The editorial and orientation committee and the scientific council present their activity reports once a year to the plenary assembly in association with the members of the AIRMAP board.