Summary [Click here]
Editorial: [Click here]Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane TrébucqGestion & Management Public, vol.7, Issue 3, March-April 2019, p.6-12.
The State and its employees: the issue of legal status in political debates during the Third Republic (1870-1940) [Click here]Laurent BOUCHARDGestion & Management Public, vol.7, Issue 3, March-April 2019, p.13-27.
The Identification of Intellectual Capital in Activity Reports: A Longitudinal Study of the “Presidential Prefaces” to Reports for Eleven Museums (2003-2017) [Click here]Laurence MORGANAGestion & Management Public, vol.7, Issue 3, March-April 2019, p.29-48.
Collaborative public management tools: a myth? The case of the shared territorial assessment [Click here]Sonia ADAM-LEDUNOIS, Romuald MANSUYGestion & Management Public, vol.7, Issue 3, March-April 2019, p.49-69.
Dialogue: A Key Element of Enabling Control. The Case of a Network Public Organisations [Click here]Benjamin BENOIT, Stéphanie CHÂTELAIN-PONROYGestion & Management Public, vol.7, Issue 3, March-April 2019, p.71-96.
Crédits [Click here]Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, Issue 3, March-April 2019