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Summary [Click here]
Editorial: The analysis of the strategy of higher education institutions: a question of ends and means   [Click here]
Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane TREBUCQ
Gestion & Management Public, vol.7,  issue 2, December 2018-January 2019, p.6-11.
The international alliance strategies of French universities and prestigious civil service schools: what the analysis has contributed regarding coopetion [Click here]
Alexandra COUSTON, Fabrice LARAT, Robert FOUCHET, Olivier KERAMIDAS
Gestion & Management Public, vol.7,  issue 2, December 2018-January 2019, p.13-29.
Driving sustainable development in universities: the experience of constructing a USR scorecard [Click here]
Jean-Francis ORY
Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 2, December 2018-January 2019, p.31-54.
Conciliation of contradictory institutional logic: case of a public institution of higher education in Madagascar [Click here]
Oliarilanto RAKOTO-HARIMINO, Evelyne LANDE, Victor HARISON
Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 2, December 2018-January 2019, p.55-72.
To be or not to be a smart city: an empirical study of valued innovations on the cities’ website [Click here]
Thierry CÔME, Stéphane MAGNE, Alexandre STEYER
Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 2, December 2018-January 2019, p.73-101.
Crédits [Click here]
Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 2, December 2018-January 2019.