Summary [Click here]
Editorial – The question of boundaries: a major issue for public managers and public management [Click here]Pierre-Charles PUPION, Stéphane TREBUCQGestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 4, June-July 2019, p.6-10.
The new challenges of universities in a regional entrepreneurial ecosystem [Click here]Isabelle BORIES-AZEAU, Fatiha FORT, Florence NOGUERA, Catherine PEYROUXGestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 4, June-July 2019, p.11-26.
Escape from the global field? Local and sustainable initiatives in the urban and peri-urban agri-food field: emergence of an institutional work reframing places [Click here]Flore TISSONE, Solange HERNANDEZ, Emmanuelle MOUSTIERGestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 4, June-July 2019, p.27-50.
Satisfaction and loyalty of the Pharmacy customers: a public health issue [Click here]Xavier MOINIER, Liliane BONNALGestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 4, June-July 2019, p.51-68.
Labellisation or social networks in the field of heritage: which winning strategy? The example of the Domaine national de Chambord [Click here]Florence ABRIOUX, Grégory SPIETH, Philippe TANCHOUXGestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 4, June-July 2019, p.69-94.
Crédits [Click here]Gestion & Management Public, vol.7, issue 4, June-July 2019