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GMP’s open access principle

Gestion et Management Public (GMP) is an open access publication available to all stakeholders free of charge. This means that readers have no subscriptions to pay and that authors receive neither submission nor publication fees. The journal is exclusively found online but can be accessed worldwide using either the CAIRN platform for the French version or Ebsco Essentials for the English language edition. Similarly, GMP accepts submission proposals from anywhere in the world. The journal is a global public good and defends its authors’ freedom of expression.

GMP’s spirit of open-mindedness

GMP aims to promote the publication and dissemination of research articles contributing to a better understanding of organisational phenomena relating to the management of public, para-public and non-profit entities. It aspires to provide a friendly space for any original work that enhances knowledge about (and practice in) the public, para-public and non-profit sectors. Open to a wide variety of both innovative approaches and qualitative or quantitative methodologies, GMP welcomes themes and methods that are innovative.


GMP’s ethical approach

GMP strives to respond as quickly as possible to authors who have submitted an article, giving manuscripts a rapid screening to determine whether they are to be rejected or else accepted for further evaluation. Articles are systematically subjected to a double-blind trial enabling constructive and in-depth feedback. Author support is a priority for the journal’s Editors-in-Chief.

GMP’s scientific recognition

GMP, an AIRMAP publication, received a Tier 2 classification in FNEGE’s June 2022 ranking of management journals and is referenced on both the CAIRN and Ebsco Essentials platforms.


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